
Friday 21 December 2012

Bento#Dec05~Panda & Bear onigiri with Happy Dongzhi Festival dessert

I'm making "Panda & Bear" onigiri bento for my daughter's dinner bento ^_^ Luckily after work still have the time to cooked and prepared dinner for the family.
I used plastic foil to wrap the cooked rice and make an oval shape as panda face. Next make two panda ears and wrap nori then secured the ears with spaghetti strips. My girl likes to eat inari/sweet beancurd skin so I put the panda on top of the inari skin. 
Bear onigiri is very easy to make ^_^ The methods are the same as Panda onigiri except the ears, don't have to wrap with nori to cover. Just add the eyes, nose & mouth. Lastly, I add crabmeat stick for bear cheeks by using straw to cut out round shapes. To avoid the cheeks drop, I dipped the crab stick with some mayonnaise :p
I boiled miso beancurd soup and put into a small container. The orange color was egg yolk and next to it was fish fillet.
Today also a special day for Chinese people to celebrate Dongzhi冬至! Symbolize one year older ^_^ I don't have the time to follow the traditional way by making the tangyuan汤圆 with my kids as I've to work. For not missing out the celebration, I bought frozen packet tangyuan汤圆 :D Anyway, my family still enjoyed the dessert and here I wish "Happy Dongzhi Festival冬至快乐" and hope you too will like today's dinner bento ^_^

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