
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Bento#32~Frankenstein & Piggy Witch

My son requested to make Halloween bento for him. This time I make Frankenstein since my steam pandan cake left few pieces. The red eyes are crabmeat stick. Tuna sandwich at below and cut out some nori to filled up the gaps for the corner. Lastly, add in carrot as pumpkin, prunes, grapes & hawflake. 
 A closer picture ^_^ 

What about my daughter? She doesn't like ugly/scary bento. For green colour....all I can think was "Angry bird" game~Piggy~ So I make piggy as a WITCH :D This need a lot of cutting nori!!!! Ingredients are the same as my son bento just different design. To make the broom, I wrap up the eggsheet and use little bit of spaghetti strip to hold on so it won't open :p

Happy Halloween!!! Tomorrow my kids going to dress up for their school party celebration ^_^ 

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