
Monday 29 October 2012

Bento#30~Green Puppy

Have anyone watch "Blue Clues" TV shows? This is one of "Blue Clues" friend name~Green~ Why not "Blue"? Cause I still have left over steam pandan cake so I got the idea of making this cute "Green Puppy" Well, I use small knife to trim out from the cake and to make sure the head and body stay together, I stick them with spaghetti strips ^_^ The eyes and nose are cheese with nori. Followed by the details of the legs with nori too :) At the bottom was homebaked bread with an artificial leaf that I've bought from a bakery retail shop. Is washable and looks real from the picture :P Lastly, the flag represent the puppy name as "GREEN" by using alphabet cutter to cut from cheese and stick onto nori. Also added some cherry tomato and a box of raisin. Hope you all like this bento ^_^
 Isn't "GREEN" puppy cute?? girl likes it when she saw it :D

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